Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Last couple of days...

It's been "trying to snow"...but kinda half-heartedly....even when there is a dump, the Viennese are demon shovellers and removers of's been scooped up and trucked off before it has a chance to melt...unless it's on a car of course
This was the view of Stephansdom's spire the other morning after it had snowed..
...and this was the view from one of my apartment windows.....

And snow on another apartment window....
I know it's only snow, and we get a ton of that in Toronto on a regular basis, but this is Viennese snow, ok?

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Monday, December 24th 2011

So it snowed in Vienna overnight. I've been here 3 weeks and this is the first time. This was the view from my window when I got up this morning...

Sunday, January 23rd 2011

Pretty cold day today. Started snowing around 7PM tonight - but didn't stick.

I took these pictures when I stopped for a "Wiener Frühstück"(aka rolls, boiled egg and coffee) at a cafe at the top of Rotenturmstrasse.

For a mere 5.40 Euros I could have bought ice cream made to look like spaghetti.

This was the view from the window.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Sunday, January 16th 2011

This is one of the windows of a shop I pass on my way to 
and from the U-Bahn station. The other windows are also
full of gear like this - plaster cherubim, chalices etc....

These giant red balls are on Rotenturmstrasse. I'd
assumed they were Xmas decorations, but it's past 
12th night and they're still up, so maybe they're 
a permanent fixture...       

Saturday, 15 January 2011


Samstag (Saturday)

This morning is sunny and warm(-ish) in Vienna. No t-shirts yet, but unbuttoned coats - and the friendlier attitude people display when it's not 20 below. Which it never is in Vienna, as far as I can tell. Here are a few pics I took on the way to swim at the Holmes Fitness Centre at Kaiserwasser...