On the way back from the grocers yesterday I spotted another plaque. In Vienna, a building without some kind of plaque is the exception rather than the rule. But some plaques are more interesting than others....
I also passed through this little...square..? The building on the right contains the Archives of the University of Vienna. Just the other side of this is the Dominikaner Church. A couple of weeks ago I was looking around the Kunsthistorisches Museum and came across a painting of this church done by Canaletto (or was it really by Bellotto?)
I think the building below may have been a Viennese version of the "hospitals" (in the old sense of "charitable institutions for the housing and maintenance of the needy, infirm or aged") you find in England
The Canadian embassy isn't in digs I'd describe as lavish.
Vienna is (still) a pretty radical place. Graffiti like this is pretty common.
But when the revolution comes, I expect cats to be fighting with the forces of reaction....
I am enjoying your pictures. Looking forward to more vicarious walks.